Countries Visited: 21
Days traveling: 256
Number of flights: 28
Number of miles traveled in the air: 49,261
Number of hours spent in airports: 112
Number of bus rides: 23
Number of hours spent on buses: 165
Number of train rides: 7
Number of hours spent on trains: 45.5
Number of boat/ferry rides: 15
Number of hours spent on boats: 34.5
Number of metro/trams systems: 15
Number of hostels: 37
Number of hotels: 11
Number of VERY generous friends that let me crash with them: 11
Number of near death experiences: 2
Trips to the ER: 1
Number of languages I can say "Thank You" in: 15
Number of oceans and seas I've touched: 16
Number of items lost: 1!!! (sunglasses in Costa Rica)
Number of books I read: 21
Number of days I worked: 0
Total budget: $15,500
Number of times I thought I was the luckiest woman on the planet: millions!
My hope is that someday soon I'll truly be able to reflect on what a trip like this really means but in the meantime enjoy the post on numbers and please comment if you have other questions or categories you'd like me to quantify. Stay tuned for my plans for my next trip . . . it could be sooner than I expected!