Monday, October 11, 2010

Pre trip thoughts (skip if you don't like the cheese)

I'm a couple days away from departure and before I head out I'll share some thoughts and reflections about the time leading up to the trip . . .

* It's been one heck of a summer/early fall! Since May I have moved out of my, sold all my furniture, hauled my crap around the city six times, subletted two short term rooms, quit an awesome job, traveled to NH, Boston, Maryland and Colorado. I mostly decided my trip dates when wedding season would be over. Jen and Jess kicked off the festivities in May with a downtown Manhattan wedding with a killer dance party; Casey and Nes tied the knot in a gorgeous seacoast NH setting; Kathleen and Taylor got hitched in Maryland in September in one of the most picturesque spots I've ever seen; Dave and Ari had the sunset fall at their Massachusetts wedding exactly when they were pronounced husband and wife and Dinuka and Sarah had the most perfect balance of fun and elegance in Denver. People ask me all the time about the siblings getting married off, how I feel, am I sick of all the weddings yet, etc. The answer is absolutely not. Each wedding was beautiful, heartfelt and real. I'm just so happy I could be a part of them. As far as the siblings go, I couldn't be happier for each one of them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with . . . I also consider myself lucky to have such amazing new (official) additions to the family. (And I will have the cutest little nieces and nephews, just sayin).

* Another pre departure reflection point: I have incredible friends and family. I've been talking about this trip forever. My mom and I chatted this week about how difficult it is to find the origins of the idea since I've always said I was one day going to travel around the world. All of my friends and family have had to listen to me all these years about leaving and traveling even before I saved a cent. I am so appreciative of the many ways people have helped me form my plan and help me prepare. Whether you helped me move six times this summer, helped me book my flights, hooked me up with people living in the countries I'm visiting/travelers, listened to my rants, came to have a farewell drink with me or let me leave my job and work home for the past year with one of the most thoughtful send off of all time - thank you. I'm consistently motivated by every one's encouragement and it means everything to me to have such generous, helpful and caring people in my life.

So that's enough of the mush. Have no fear the blog won't be all feelings and no fun.

I'm just about off to destroy my ecological footprint by taking a million flights in 9.5 months. I'll do my best to post one last time before Colombia so that I can share my packing list/tips.


  1. Maggie- you made me cry, you butt! You are going to have so much fun. I promise to meet you somewhere, twin... just haven't figured it out yet. Hold me to my promise! espero que tengas un viaje buenisimo. te quiero mucho, cuidate! if you don't know what that says now, you will by the time you get back :)

  2. Maggie, this trip sounds amazing. I'm really looking forward to following your blog and keeping up with your worldly adventures!

  3. Hey Greta,
    Hugs across the some details ok? Mum
