Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kho Tao, Thailand and MORE BEACH

Kho Tao in Thailand is known for it's scuba diving as it is one of the cheapest places in the world to get your certification. I, for whatever reason, wasn't dead set on getting my certification but I did go out one day and I have to say it was a pretty cool experience. Although I didn't love the feeling of being under water like so many other people do, it was amazingly beautiful. You truly feel like a visitor down there and the amount of activity is unreal. Everywhere you look there is a different school of fish and something different to see.

Adam was working on getting his open water certification and I took that time to sit around on the beach and read. I managed to finish a few books during my stay at Kho Tao and was so happy to get get some sun. For all of you who are wondering, yes, I did burn a little but I still maintain I'm doing a great job for someone with my skin tone. And I now have a little "tan" which is just the merging of all my freckles but I'll take it!

On our third day in Kho Tao while looking out the window of an internet cafe I saw my friends Sam and Fraser drive by in the back of a pick up truck (common means of transport on the islands for us backpackers). I knew they were going to be in the area but thought they'd be arriving a week later. Sam and Fraser are a super funny couple at the end of their trip who I met in Lima, Peru. Although we planned on meeting up at some point in Thailand, I'm still going to call this a small world story.

One day the four of us rented motorbikes to explore the island a bit and head to shark bay, known for it's great snorkeling. After getting lost 7 times over we found the nearly deserted bay and spent the day swimming and laying in the sun. Every night we found ourselves by the water watching the insane fire throwers. At first, I wasn't a fan, as it's a nutso tourist trap and I didn't see why everyone likes it so much. But after a while the fire seems to be almost hypnotic and is very relaxing . . . or perhaps it was all the sun and the beer. Here are some shots of shark bay, fire, and us partying on the beach:

The next post will feature my first near death experience on this trip and the full moon party!

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